Monday, June 25, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

PD: Attack on the President and Vice-President of the Democratic Party in T-L

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Attack on the President and Vice-President of the Democratic Party in Timor-Leste

Fernando de Araujo (La Sama) and Samuel Mendonca, the President and Vice-President of the Democratic Party (PD) in Timor-Leste, were attacked by mobs in Dili on February 20, 2007.

Although La Sama was unharm his Deputy President Samuel Mendonca sustained serious wound in the head. La Sama's car was smahed.

La Sama has informed the UN Police of the incident and requested a thorough investigation.

It is bad to target political leaders as the country is preparing itself for Presidential and Parliamentary elections. It is important that the UN provide proper protection to Fernando de Araujo and others during the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections. It is equally important to find out weather or not the attack was politically motivated.

PD is the largest oposition party in Timor-Leste. It was founded in 2001 a few months before the constituent assembly election. PD curently holds 7 of the 88 seats in the National Parliament.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

PD: Press Release

§ On Tuesday 20th February 2007, Vice Secretary General of the Democratic Party, Mr Samuel Mendonça and I were attacked by unknown persons opposite CCF FRETILIN Office in Dili.
§ PD leadership has reported this incident to UNPOL, PNTL and other competent authorities.
§ I call upon all PD members to calm, renounce violence and NOT to retaliate.
§ I express my sympathy to other non-PD politicians and persons who are victims of violence.
§ I call upon the UN to provide security to those politicians and persons in danger in order to ensure a free and fair election.
§ Let us work together to restore law in our beloved country Timor-Leste.
Dili, 21 February 2007
Fernando Lasama de Araujo
President of the Democratic Party

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Diskursu Prezidente PD ba lansamentu kandidatura

"Kaer Metin Ukun Rasik An, Haburas lia los no domin, hametin justisa no dame, hodi Hari'i Estadu Demokratiku"
Bem vindo no agradecimentos..........
Maluk sira hotu,
Iha loron kmanek ida ne'e, ita halibur hamutuk, atu ha'u, ofisialmente fo sai ba publiku, kona ba hau nia kandidatura ba Presidente RDTL. Ohin loron 9 fulan Marsu tinan 2007, hau ofisialmente deklara katak hau simu fiar nebe inan no aman sira, maun, alin, feton no nan sira, maluk Timor Leste nia oan nebe maka namkari iha rai doben Timor Leste laran, hosi Tutuala to'o rai Enclave Oe-cusse.
Ha'u konsiente katak fiar nebe imi fo mai atan ha'u, liu hosi imi nia assinaturas, no Inan Aman sira nebe hanehan metan, hanesan naha todan no todan tebes. Todan ne'e, laos tanba atu sai nudar Presidente RDTL, maibe oinsa atu resolve problemas nebe maka oras ne'e Nasaun ho Povu hasoru dau-daun. Todan mai ita hotu, no todan liu ba Maun Bo'ot sira nebe uluk kedas ita hotu tane sira, ita hana'i sira, e ita hare no senti duni sira nia matenek iha tempo Resistencia nian, maibe sira la konsegue hadia'a moris Nasaun no povu ida ne'e nian.
Maluk sira mak ha'u hadomi,
Wainhira imi halibur dadaun imi nia assinaturas atu apresenta ha'u nudar Candidato ida ba Presidente RDTL 2007 - 2012, kolegas balu hateten mai ha'u, katak se hau aseita candidatura ne'e hanesan ha'u aseita atu fase bikan foer no raut foer. Hanoin ida ne refleta duni situasaun real nebe Nasaun hasoru dadaun.
Audiencias tomak maka hau respeita,
Hanesan rai ida ne nia oan, ita tenki la'o nafatin ba oin, Vida Nasaun nian labele para, foer ka susar nebe deit mak iha oin, ita tenki hasoru duni ho esforsu maximo para atu hamos. Karik atan ha'u, ema ida maka liman belar liu, laran luak liu, neon nain liu, atu hamos foer hirak nebe oras ne'e ita nia povu ho ita nian nasaun hasoru.
Ba imi rihun sanulu resin nebe maka fo imi nia assinaturas hodi hamosu hau nudar kandidatu, ho hakru'uk, ha'u hato'o obrigado wain. Ba maluk sira Diresaun Partido Democratico nian, no ba militantes ho simpatizantes Partido Democratico nebe maka hakaas an, hodi prepara hela atu hasoru daudaun kampaina Presidencial nian, ha'u hato hakuak bo'ot.
Amigos jornalistas ho maluk sira hotu maka hau hadomi,
Nudar to'os na'in ida nia oan, hau nunka iha hanoin ida katak loron ida ohin, ha'u atu hamrik iha publiko Nasaun Timor Leste ninia oin no iha Komunidade Internacional, atu apresenta an hanesan kandidatu ida, ba Eleisaun Presidencial 2007. Imi hotu hakarak kandidata ha'u, atu nune bele konkretiza imi nia afirmasaun katak "ORAS TO'O ONA POVU KI'IK NIA OAN KAER UKUN".
Hafoin hanoin no diskute tiha ho maluk barak, hodi simu fiar nebe mak imi fo mai ha'u, hau ho imi, ita sei hakat ba oin ho hanoin importante tolu mak tuir mai ne;
1. Kaer Metin Ukun rasik'an, liu hosi dalan:
· Kaer metin konstituisaun RDTL hodi hala'o Lei no Orden.
· Reorganiza no harmoniza funsionamentu orgaun soberania Estadu nian.
· Rekupera no promove imazen Timor nian nudar nasaun demokratiku, nebe moris hanesan Nasaun ukun rasik'an.
· Garante relasaun diak ho Estadu hotu-hotu, Estadu sira iha Amerika, Europa, Asia no Pasifiku, liu-liu nasoens vizinhas hanesan Indonesia no Australia.
· Kuda no haburas mentalidade soberania iha instituisaun Estadu nian no iha sosidade nia laran.
· Valoriza no promove kontribuisaun funu nain sira nian ba ukun rasik'an
2. Haburas Lia Los no domin, hametin justisa no dame, hodi garante stabilidade no siguransa iha Nasaun Timor Leste laran tomak no iha mundu rai klaran, liu hosi dalan:
· Kaer metin valor kultura no tradisaun Timor Leste nian iha prosesu hari'i Nasaun.
· Restaura no promove valor fiar malu no respeita malu, valor fraternidade, simplisidade no honestidade, Valor toleransia no hakraik'an iha sosiedade nia let.
· Garante no habelar lia los, justisa no rekonsiliasaun tuir kultura no tradisaun, tuir lei nudar konstituisaun RDTL haruka.
· Hametin no Promove unidade nasional iha diversidade nia laran.
· Garante politika anti diskriminasaun, favoritismo, klientismo ho regionalismo.
· Kuda no haburas kultura politika humanista iha instituisaun Estadu nian no iha sosiadade nia laran.
· Promove relasaun diak ho Igreja Katolika, no religiaun sira seluk nebe mak iha Nasaun Timor Leste no desenvolve parseria ida diak ba kontrusaun Nasaun.
3. Hari'i Estadu Demokratiku, liu hosi dalan:
· Garante transparansia no akontabilidade iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu Nasaun nian.
· Garante no fo korajem bo'ot ba partisipasaun povu nian atu hakbesik no rona, hodi akomoda no implementa aspirasaun povu nian
· Enkoraza Guvernu atu hala'o dezenvolvimentu nebe fo benefisiu ba povu ki'ik
"Hun ida, abut ida, povu ida no Timor ida deit"
Dili, loron 9 Fulan Febreiru tinan 2007
Kandidatu President
Fernando "Lasama" de Aaraujo