Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Strutura PD 2006-2011
Fernando "Lasama" de Araujo
1. Adriano do Nascimento
2. João Boavida
3. Jose "Burras" Nominando
Mariano Sabino "Assanami"
1. Francisco da Costa "Borolaco" Soares
2. Eusebio Guterres
3. Samuel Mendonça
Fernando "Lasama" de Araujo
Lasama was born on 26 February 1963, in Manutasi, Ainaro District, Timor Leste. Lasama is President of the largest opposition political party in Timor Leste, the Partido Democratico.
At age 12 Lasama witnessed the murders of eighteen of his relatives by invading troops during the early days of
In 1988 Lasama founded RENETIL (Resistencia Nacional dos Estudantes de Timor-Leste) the largest East Timorese student independence movement in
In November 1991 Lasama was arrested, tortured and imprisoned in Denpasar Bali by Indonesian authorities. Only days earlier
Political Prisoner, Subversion Against the State. Cipinang Prison,
With the fall of Indonesian President Suharto and the rise of the Indonesian Reformasi movement Lasama was conditionally released in 1998, being prohibited from engaging in political activities.
In 1999 Lasama was responsible for planning and coordinating the CNRT's (Conselho Nacional Resistencia de Timor-Leste) campaign for independence in Timor Leste before the United Nations conducted Popular Consultation in August, which resulted both in an independence vote - as well as the violent rampage by pro-Indonesian militias and their patrons in the Indonesian security services - resulting in the deaths of thousands and the wholesale destruction of East Timor's infrastructure. Lasama was Head of Social Communications Section (Seccao Comunicacao Social), Comissao de Planeamento e Coordinacao da Campanha (CPCC-CNRT). July-September 1999. As such he was responsible for planning and coordinating the campaign for
From late 1999 - 2001 Lasama pursued study and teaching activities at the University of Melbourne only to return to Timor Leste and found the Partido Democratico (PD) in June 2001 under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Administration of East Timor. In the General Election of August 2001 PD won 8.72% pf the vote, securing 7 seats in the National Parliament, forming the largest Opposition Party to the governing FRETILIN Party. His basis of support comes from the country's youth, who form the country's majority demographic grouping. In October 2001 he was appointed Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and served in this post until May 2002, after which he left government. He has since concentrated his efforts on building a strong opposition movement, furthering the democratization of Timor Leste's political institutions and national dialogue. Lasama was re-elected President of PD at the first National Congress held in Dili in September 2006.
Lasama has conducted speaking tours on East Timor's struggle, human rights, environmental and international relations issues around the world and in countries as diverse as
Lasama speaks five languages including his native Mambai and Tetum as well as Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese and English. He lives in Timor Leste's capital, Dili, and is married to Jackie Siapno with one child, a son named Hadomi.
Fernando "Lasama" de Araujo. Moris iha Ainaro iha 1966 hosi inan aman agrikultor. Hanesan Prezidente PD, "Lasama" koiñesidu tebes iha baze tamba nia hahalok haraik an, simples no terus no moris hamutuk ho povu. Nia husik hela nia estudu iha Universidade Udayana Bali, hodi lidera no organiza movimentu kontra regime Soeharto no okupasaun ba Timor-Leste. Hanesan konsekuensia, nia tama iha kadeia Cipinang Jakarta, durante tinan 9. Mundu internasional respeita nia konsistensia no komitmentu ba luta ukun rasik an hodi fo nia premiu Reebook prize. Iha ukun an, Lasama, uluk, sai mos hanesan membru Parlamentu Nasional hosi PD no Vice Ministru Negosiu Estrangeiru RDTL.
Adriano do Nascimento
Adriano do Nascimento was born in 1971 in Holbelis Suai, and is one of the three Vice Presidents of the Partido Democratico. He received his BA in
Do Nascimento won 22.5% of the vote in the 2001 elections for Suai District Representative as part of elections for the Constituent Assembly. In 2000-2001 he was a member of the Suai District Advisory Council. Between 1998-2000 do Nasciamento was a coordinator for the East Timor Student Solidarity Council in Suai in the conduct of the political campaign for the independence of
Adriano do Nascimento. Moris iha Suai. Agora dadaun hanesan vise presidente PD. Adriano ativu tebes iha halo advokasia ba Tasi Timor atu Timor bele hetan nia direitu nebe barak liu fo nasaun Australia. Adriano iha esperiensia barak servisu ho NGO internasional sira. Hanesan foin sae, Adriano mos ativu servisu ho rede juventude sira ba justisa no pas iha rai laran. Tamba nee, nia mos involve iha asaun sira nebe buka justisa no lia los ba povu Timor Leste. Adriano hasai nia sarjana pendidikan iha Kupang, Indonesia.
João Boavida
Boavida currently is one of the three Vice-Presidents of Democratic Party elected by the First National Congress held in October 2006 in Dili, Timor-Leste. He is a founding member of PD and a former political prisoner from Baucau District.
During the first years of the Indonesian occupation, he developed a clandestine network in Baucau in support of the Resistance, a fact that led to his arrest and deportation to
In 1985, he was granted a permanent Australian residence visa and left for
He returned to
João Boavida ida mos husi Vise-Prezidenti nain tolu nebe hili liu husi Kongresu Nasional ba dala uluk, iha Outubro 2006 iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Nia mos membru fundador PD nian ida, no eis-dadur politku husi Distritu Baucau. Iha tinan hirak nebe Indonesia hahu okupa Timor, nia dezenvolve rede klandestina ida iha Baucau hodi tulun Rezistensia, hahalok nebe halo tropa Indonesia sira kaer no sulan nia iha Atauro iha tinan 1979. Iha tinan 1980, Indonesia ninia membrus husi Komandu Xapeu Mean sira lori nia sai husi Atauro, no obriga nia sevisu hamutuk ho sira iha Dili, hafoin iha Baucau, situasaun ida nebe ba hasoru ninia pozisaun politika, nune halo nia sai husi Timor ba Indonesia iha tinan 1981, iha nebe nia kontinua ho ninia atividade klandestina duranti besik tinan tolu laran. Molok tinan 1983 remata, nia tenki husik Jakarta ba Singapura, hafoin ba Malaysia hodi liu ba Bangkok, Tailandia, iha nebe nia servisu hamutuk ho Jesuit Refugee Services nebe fo tulun ba refujiadus husi Vietnam no Kambodia. Iha tinan 1985 hafoin nia simu tiha vistu rezidensia permanenti husi Governu Australianu, nia mos liu ba Melbourne iha nebe nia halao ninia estudu iha Universidadi Melbourne, iha area Siensias Politikas, no iha Universidadi La Trobe iha area konaba Amerika Latia ninia politka. Iha 1989, nia simu bolsa estudu ida ba Universidadi Oxford, iha nebe nia hasai uluk kursu ida konaba Estudus Refujiadus iha area Metodolojia Investigasaun Movimentu Massal iha Kampu, hafoin nia hasai tan Antropolojia ho teze nebe hanaran Fusion of Religion and Nationalism in East Timor: A Culture in the Making. Iha dekada 90, nia moris no servisu iha rai balun Afrika nian, iha nebe nia kaer pozisun oin-oin ho organizasaun oin-oin hanesan INGOs no ajensia ONU nian nebe inklui JRS, UNDP, MSF, UNESCO no Universidadi Oxford iha Malawi, Tanzania, Inglatera, Mosambique no Gresia. Nia fila hikas mai iha Timor Lorosae iha tinan 1999, hanesan Ofisial Politiku ba United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), hafoin sai nudar Konseleiru Politku ba United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (OCHA), no ikus liu hanesan Ofisial Politiku ba United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) ho kapasidadi professional ONU nian. Iha tinan tolu liu ba, nia servisu nudar Konsultor no Reprezentanti iha Timor-Leste ba AUSTCARE, organizasaun Australia nian ida iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Nia mos uluk hanorin tempu balun iha Universidadi UNDIL no UNTL iha Fakuldadi Siensias Politikas.
Jose "Burras" Nominando
Moris iha hatolia, Ermera, 31 Dezembru 1962. Agora dadaun hanesan vise prezidente PD. Pozisaun ida nee, nia hetan hahu kedas hosi bainhira PD hamrik iha tinan 2001 no re-eleitu iha kongresu nasional PD ba dala uluk iha Dili, iha 2006. Iha tempu rezistensia, Buras hanesan lider juventude nian nebe halao servisu makas ba ukun rasik an. Agora dadaun Buras mos hanesan membru Parlamentu Nasional hosi bankada PD. Nia mos kontinua fali nia estudu iha Unpaz no hanesan finalista iha Fakuldade Sosial no Humaniora.
Mariano Sabino "Assanami"
"Assanami," moris iha Luro (Lautem), 12 April 1971. Aktualmente hanesan Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Demokratiku nebe eleitu fila fali liu hosi Kongresu Nasional PD ba dala uluk iha Dili iha loron 1 Outubru 2006. Nia mos hanesan xefe bankada Partidu demokratiku iha Parlamentu Nasional. Durante reziztensia servisu makas hodi lidera no organiza frente klantesdina liu hosi Impettu no Renetil iha Indonesia. Nia mos hanesan Kordenador Mobilizasaun Politika ba kampa–e CNRT iha 1999. Hasai nia kursu hanesan Ingineiru agrikula iha Universidade Brawijaya no Sarjana Ilmu Politik iha STISOSPOL, Malang, Indonesia.
Francisco da Costa Soares
Francisco da Costa Soares alias BOROLACO, agora hanesan Vice Sekretariu Geral 1, PD nian. Nia moris iha Uato Carabau, Viqueque, 2 Fevereiru 1960. Hasai nia lisensiatura iha departementu politika, Fakuldade Social no Politika, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosae. Hahu nia kareira politika hanesan estudante UNETIM iha tinan 1976. Tinan 1980 nia hetan pozisaun hanesan DK (?) Fretilin iha gerilya nia laran. Iha 1983- 1999, nia hanesan membru klandestina ba resistensia hasoru regime Indonesia. Tinan 1988 too 2000, Borolaco hanesan fundador DSMTT (Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Tmur).
Iha Untaet nia tempu, iha tinan 2000-2002, Borolaco hanesan Utusan Khusus (Special Envoi) Presidente Xanana Gusmao ba rekonsiliasaun Timor Leste-Indonesia ( Pro-autonomi no Pro Independencia.) Iha 2002- 2006, Borolaco hanesan Vice Secretario Geral PD nian no reeleitu ba pozisaun hanesan ba tinan 2006 -2011 iha Primeiru Kongresu Nasional PD iha Dili, 1 Outubru 2006 liu ba. Hanesan professional, oras nee dadaun, Borolaco hanesan Adjuntu Komisario ba Servisu Taxa iha Ministerio Planu no Financas nia okos.
Eusebio Guterres, SH
Moris iha Bobonaro 2 Agostu 1973. Agora hanesan vice sekretariu jeral PD. Uluk nia mos hanesan membru Parlamentu Nasional PD. Hasai nia sarjana hokum iha Jember, Indonesia. Hanesan ativista, Eusebio mos iha esperiensia makas iha servisu hamutuk ho trabailador sira liu hosi organizasaun nebe defende direitu trabailador sira nian. Eusebio mos koñesidu hanesan ema ida nebe kritiku tebes hasoru rezime Alkatiri durante nee. Hanesan profesional, Eusebio mos sai hanesan konsultan ba instituisaun internasional sira.
Drs. Samuel Mendonça
Moris iha Maubisse, Ainaro, 24 Dezembru 1965. Agora dadaun hanesan Vise Sekretariu Jeral PD liu hosi kongresu nasional PD iha Dili, 1 Outubru 2006. Antes nee, nia hanesan komisariu politiku PD ba reziaun sentral. Iha tempu rezistensia, Samuel hanesan membru administrasaun CNRT no juru kampañe CNRT. Nia mos iha esperiensia servisu hanesan funsionariu publiku iha tempu Indonesia. Bainhira hanesan estudante iha Universidade Timor Timur, nia sai nudar xefe senadu Fisipol UNTIM. Hosi UNTIM nia konsege hasai nia sarjana politik.